Friday, August 26, 2011

Blesbokke Catch

This morning my father-in-law hired a game park to catch blesbok in order to decrease the large amount of rams. It was something to see three Ford Trucks racing around and herding the blesbokke into a long net chute. I think 35 boks were sold. None were injured and none were killed in the process so I feel like it was a success.

It was a pretty cool thing to witness. Zander didn't want them to take any and he said to me, "They can get there own biltong (jerky)!" Cute. :)

There are a bunch more photos on Facebook if you want to see more! It takes a looooong time to post here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Here we come

Bathroom is almost done!! Lourens did a nice job on the stone tiles in the shower.
Laundry room/Pantry is tiled and ready for action!

Sorry for the neck cramps.... :) We are getting really close to moving day! Yay!!

Chilly work day

Last week we worked with cattle and sorted some calves for sale. Some playing and some snuggling on the couch in the cold evenings too!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Don't be fooled, I am not really working. :)

These photos were taken on a Thursday morning and as we speak there is more cementing and tiling begin completed! I am very excited - so are the kids since they have a BUNCH of toys now!

Farm Friends

Here are the boys with some other little friends; The parents work on the farm so the family lives here. And of course the dogs, Tammy and Misha.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hunting Blesbok on the farm

Okay, so it isn't really hunting when you know exactly where they are all the time but my father-in-law, husband and boys went out one evening and shot three blesbok. The meat is lekker (good)!!