Friday, August 26, 2011

Blesbokke Catch

This morning my father-in-law hired a game park to catch blesbok in order to decrease the large amount of rams. It was something to see three Ford Trucks racing around and herding the blesbokke into a long net chute. I think 35 boks were sold. None were injured and none were killed in the process so I feel like it was a success.

It was a pretty cool thing to witness. Zander didn't want them to take any and he said to me, "They can get there own biltong (jerky)!" Cute. :)

There are a bunch more photos on Facebook if you want to see more! It takes a looooong time to post here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Here we come

Bathroom is almost done!! Lourens did a nice job on the stone tiles in the shower.
Laundry room/Pantry is tiled and ready for action!

Sorry for the neck cramps.... :) We are getting really close to moving day! Yay!!

Chilly work day

Last week we worked with cattle and sorted some calves for sale. Some playing and some snuggling on the couch in the cold evenings too!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Don't be fooled, I am not really working. :)

These photos were taken on a Thursday morning and as we speak there is more cementing and tiling begin completed! I am very excited - so are the kids since they have a BUNCH of toys now!

Farm Friends

Here are the boys with some other little friends; The parents work on the farm so the family lives here. And of course the dogs, Tammy and Misha.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hunting Blesbok on the farm

Okay, so it isn't really hunting when you know exactly where they are all the time but my father-in-law, husband and boys went out one evening and shot three blesbok. The meat is lekker (good)!!

Blesbok Biltong, Boerewors, Chilli bites, Droevors....

Okay - so the photos are in reverse order. Doh! But you get the picture. :) I promise it all tastes really good!

Boeredag - Rouxville 2011 (Farmers Day)

Pappa Lourens was working behind the bar the whole day - bad: didn't get to see him much..good: free drinks!

Zander and some buddies.

Owen being silly, as usual and strutting around like he owned the place.

The sheep were kept here and after some anouncements and a prayer, the festivities got underway. There were men's and women's programs for the day that included making sushi, pole dancing (oh yeah), grass races, sheep commpetitions and lots of food and drinks!

My camera died way too early so there are no photos of Mamma - shocker! A fun (and long) day was had by all and we went home that night and slept well.

There was also some "dancing" going on BY MY CHILDREN ONLY but that was okay!! It was still fun.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Working Through It

The past couple of weeks have come and gone and we have not made too much progress. Things we still need to check off to the TO DO list:
- Paint
- Tile
- Install shower, toilet and sink
- Pick up belongings and bring to the farm
- Purchase a vehicle

Hmmm...the painting and the tiling look like the easiest to complete. Once all the South African holidays are done. It seems like there is at least one or two vacation days each week around this time of year.

Zander had a play date today with a local little boy - I was so happy - it looked like they had a good time so I hope it can be a repeat occasion. Need to charge the batteries in the camera so I can share a little more.

:) Be well!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Under Construction

Here is our Store and Garage.
Our gorgeous bathroom that will get tiled.
This is our main room which is the living room and dining room. There are still a bunch of boxes and furniture in the house that need to be removed to make space for our stuff, once it gets here.
This is the house we will stay in while we are working on fixing up the home.
This area with shelves will become a shower with a window.
We knocked down a wall and will add another door to connect the den to Zander's room in the back. The door on the right leads to the master bedroom.
The kitchen needed some cement work and will be tiled.

The front stoop will be enclosed with a braai and hopefully sliding glass doors to let the light in. This will probably be AFTER we move in since it will take a while to save up some cash.
This is our little farm house from the front. Looks tiny but it is pretty open inside. We have a nice lawn and a garden (that is suffering now that the lambs were in there and ate everything up to waist high). We are excited about getting it all fixed up and painted and ready to move in.

Horse Riding!

On Saturday we decided to get the horses and ride as a family. Zander rode Rock, Mamma rode Snippy, Pappa and Owen rode photos of Pappa riding but if you can imagine it - his feet were almost touching the ground! It looked pretty funny; the poor horse was under serious pressure!

At the end of our ride Zander and Mamma decided to ride down to the gate and back. Rock thought he would run and Zander didn't have a good hold on him to stop him. He was scared but one of the farm workers was luckily close by to help. All in all it was a fun family day!